a Date & Time Caculator with weather and Moon Phase...

IMPORTANT ACCESS INFORMATION: nTime only requires permissions to access an Internet connection. The purpose of this permission is to retrieve the weather information from the National Oceeanic and Atmospheric Administration or from the WeatherAPI if the former one fails. There is absolutely no other purpose to this, for your peace of mind.

IMPORTANT SUPPORT INFORMATION: nTime specifically targets Android devices version 5.1 and up. I made an effort to make the app work on devices as low as 4.4.1 so the app should work on those devices but there may be problems with some of the more modern features. Therefore, please note that this application is, in practice, only supported on Android 5.1 or higher.

DESCRIPTION: time calculator which also has current weather and moon phase information for those of you that might need that information at a telescope. nTime performs simple calculations that are just difficult to do in your mind, such as - how long until Feb 29th 2019 from now or, how many weeks between time periods.nTime also provides to persistant counters (they work when your app is switched), Julian Day calculations and a number of other useful features.

Please note: nTime moon phase calculations are approximate. If you wish to rely on fully accurate moon phase calculations and ephemeris, you need to use my Regolith Lunar Application

Application Description

Simply navigate the application using the tabs at the top to find relevant functions. There is a navigation menu at the top left for quick actions, and a navigation gear menu with settings and other useful functions. Click there to change your coordinates or other settings such as the theme. Important: I chose not to implement automatic GPS tracking since it can be seen as a privacy issue. Therefore, you must enter your coordinates manually in order to ensure weather and astronomical calculations are precise. To find your coordinates use Google Search - for instance, type in Google - Washington DC coordinates and you will get the two numbers you need for Latitude and Longitude. Just remember that North is positive and South negative and the same for East (positive) and West so, if you are 80 degrees west, remember to type -80 not 80.

  • Main: Application Entry Menu

  • Drawer: Side Drawer Menu Shortcuts

  • Moon: Moon Phase Iterator

  • Setings: Settings Configuration

  • Weather: Current Weather Conditions

  • Calculator: Date Calculations

Application Features


  • Iterative Phases of the Moon for any date
  • Converstion to Julian Date and back to Gregorian
  • Current Weather Conditions for the day


  • Date Calculations
  • Time formats and current day information
  • Persistent Timer
  • Persistent Chronometer


  • Perpetual Calendar
  • English (US) and Spanish (ES) support
  • Precision Calculations

Hints and Tips

  • Coordinates: Google the coordinates for your city and enter them
  • Languages: This application is bilingual (English and Spanish)
  • Themes: Choose from 4 pleasant themes

Frequently Asked Questions

The weather page is not showing my city: You need to set your coordinates. Use Google to find them (e.g. Washington DC Coordinates) and enter them as you see them

I entered Google coordinates and the city is still wrong: Use minus sign for southern and western coordinates

The moon information is not as detailed as your program Regolith and accurate to within 1 day. not to the hour: That is correct! nTime is not an astronomy application -it has a quick moon information page - it is not meant to provide detailed ephemeris like Regolith does. It is an approximation but it should be good within 24 hours.

I do not know how to set up the timers: basically enter the time laps you want directly or use the date and time picker to set a target count date. You are always setting targets on these timers.


Roguetoad Studios - This program was produced with the help of Roguetoad Studios who provided images, themes and icons. Some Icons were also used from the Crystal Nuove repository for Linux under permission - those icons are licensed to their respective owners..

Build / Release Information

Released March 2017 as 1.2.5